Thursday, July 28, 2011

Last Few Days with the Kids

Sunday we went to the kids' apartment and spent the day with them.  Mike worked on their little Triumph Spitfire making notations of what needed to still be done.  Before we went to the kids' apartment we stopped at Toys R Us and we bought Hana her very first rocking horse.  We also bought her one of those popping bubble toys that you push.  Really obnoxious, but she loved it!
Monday we went to the kids place in the afternoon and after dinner we went to Bangor Submarine Base to go bowling.  That has got to be one of the nicest bowling alleys I've ever been in.  Bowled the best games I can remember!  Wendy did awesome as well.  The guys?  Well, let's not go there.  Anyway, after we finished bowling I asked Wendy if she would drive us into the Navy housing units that are right behind the commissary and NEX. That's where we lived 32 years ago and where Wendy celebrated her first birthday.  We pointed out the exact unit to her.  Memories are a wonderful thing!
Tuesday we didn't do much as far as sightseeing is concerned.  Spent more time with Larry, Hana and Wendy once she came home from work.
Wednesday Mike and I went to the Naval Undersea Museum in Keyport.  It is dedicated to undersea warfare and scientific research.  Quite interesting to say the least.  Saw the model submarine they actually used in the filming of Hunt for Red October.  Needless to say it is allot smaller than what is depicted in the movie.  After the museum we headed to the kids' place.  Took them to dinner at Red Robin.  OMG can that little granddaughter of ours eat spaghetti!!!!! 
Today we headed to the kids' place earlier than we have been.  The parts for the generator for Wendy's Spitfire came in the mail yesterday.  So Mike had more work to do.  He got the brushes installed and then tested out the car.  It now runs and runs pretty darn good.  One more thing Wendy gets to cross of the to do list!  Had fun with Hana on the swings and sliding board that is in the playground right outside of their apartment.  Had dinner with them and visited a little while before we said our goodby's.  So sad to leave, but they really need to be able to get back to some normalcy in their life.  So tomorrow morning we head out for Oregon and then to California after that.  Looks like our vacation is beginning to wind down.

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