June 15, 2013 -
Well, here we are again heading out on our annual vacation to visit family and friends.
On the road by 5:30 a.m. Just love seeing the sun come up! Nope, not really! When you are retired and enjoy being able to sleep in each morning, you would expect sunrises to be way more spectacular than they actually are.
Seem to be making really good time, even though Mike keeps telling me that he is keeping it at around 62 to 63 miles per hour. Sheesh, it's only 1:30 in the afternoon and we are already in Utah. I guess it's just that we have traveled this route so many times in the past, I seem to be paying less attention to the scenery. Jeesh, I've seen it how many times in the past 35 years????? Hmm, Las Vegas has constructed yet another new casino. Go figure! The Virgin River Gorge still has only a trickle of water flowing in the river. Hmm, could it be that the reason is it is only 110 degrees outside?? St. George has gotten bigger, yet again. That place grows every time we have driven through it.
Oh, wait a minute. We are doing what?? We are turning east onto Highway 70? Well now, this is a new one!
Got to see some new and beautiful scenery. Of course, God forbid we can't stop to really take a good look. I get to take pictures through the windshield. Maybe that's why so many of our vacation photos have bug spots in them!
Spending the night in Green River, Utah at a lovely campground called Shady Acres. Now isn't that appropriate for the retired crowd?? Hey, at least we got coupons to go to Blimpies Subs. Nummy.
On the road again in the morning. Tomorrow is Father's Day!!
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