Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day on the Road - Vacation 2013

 June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!  And what a day it was!!!!

Left Shady Acres Campground this morning.  All seemed to be going just fine, at least for a few miles.  Then all of a sudden Mike noticed that the engine was lagging and we were losing power.  Of course, some might think that the reason for this is the hills we were climbing.  Nope, not the reason.

Mike pulled over onto the shoulder and turned the engine off to check things out.  All seemed to be okay, just a decrease in power. Engine back on, pull back onto the highway and away we were.  Welllllllll, at least for a little while longer.  Limp, limp, limp into the rest area on top of the little hill.  Hello AAA??? We need a tow truck.  Nope, not just your simple tow truck.  Ummmmm, we are driving a 37 foot motorhome and we are pulling a car.  Soooooo, I'm kinda thinking we need a flatbed tow truck.  Oh, and by the way, we need to be towed into Grand Junction, CO as they seem to be the nearest location with a Cummins authorized repair facility.  Oh yeah, we are currently still in Utah. 

Several phone calls later to AAA and them calling us back, Jake showed up at the rest area with his lovely flatbed tow truck.  Excuse me???  You want Mike to drive the motorhome up onto the flatbed and you'll direct him?  Oh this ought to be exciting!
Jake even asked if I was nervous when Mike was driving it up on the flatbed.  Of course like any good wife I said, "No, he knows what he is doing."  I mean, what else was I going to say?

All loaded, now we get to follow Jake with our motorhome on the flatbed he is towing with his semi truck tow truck into Grand Junction, Colorado.  What a heck of a Father's Day for Mike and Jake!
One of the funniest, yet sadest sights to see is the front end of your motorhome traveling backwards away from you on the highway!

We arrived at the Cummins repair center in Grand Junction.  Now Jake tells Mike he gets to drive the motorhome off of the flatbed.  This time I got to witness everything close up!  Holy Crap!!!!!!!!  The inside tires on the back of the motorhome drove over thin air.  I mean, they weren't touching anything.  The front tires had to be driven over tires that were the same width.  There was no wriggle room for any type of error.  Once Mike got the motorhome off the flatbed and onto solid ground I told Jake it might take Mike a few minutes because I was sure he was in the bathroom changing his underwear!!!!!

Jake was such a nice guy he was even concerned about what kind of food we like so that he could steer us in the right direction to get something good to eat.  Once I found out there was a Red Robin nearby, I knew where I was going to take Mike for dinner to try and salvage some of his Father's Day.  Red Robin, Yummmmmmm!

Thank you Jake for taking the day to spend with us rather than your wife and 7 month old son!!!  We greatly appreciate it! 

Now off to Red Robin to get dinner and then back to the Cummins parking lot to our hotel on wheels so that we can get some sleep before we get to see what type of problem we will face in the morning.  Yay!

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