Well, we left Dickinson, ND on July 21st. Said goodbye to my Dad and headed on out west. We arrived in Billings, MT at our friends' Pam and Rick's house the evening of the 21st. It was so nice seeing them. They have done soooooo much work on their house and yard. What a difference one year makes! Wow! We were able to spend a full day with them and then headed out on July 23rd.
OK Montana, could you please hold the wind??????? We stayed the night in Missoula, MT in a WalMart Supercenter parking lot. The winds we were fighting were soooooo bad. There were times when we were going uphill that the speedometer read 25 mph. Yup, that is as fast as we could get the motorhome to go, with the gas pedal all the way to the floor!!!!!! Needless to say Mike was absolutely exhausted when we finally stopped.
We spent the next night in Moses Lake, WA. Yup another night in a WalMart Supercenter parking lot. What would we ever do in this great country of ours without WalMart????? While I was inside doing some shopping, Mike met another camper in the parking lot. His name is Larry Glass from Colorado. He is a photography artist who retired from his regular job and is now pursuing his love and interest. He travels around the country to art shows and sells his photography. From what Mike was telling me, this guy is a real interesting person.
Left Moses Lake this morning headed to Poulsbo, WA. Our son-in-law Larry and our granddaughter Hana live in Silverdale which is only 12 miles south of Poulsbo. We arrived at Eagle Tree RV Park around 3:30 this afternoon. Called Larry to let him know we were in town. (Wendy is at sea currently, so we aren't able to catch a visit with her during this trip) Made arrangements to go to Larry and Wendy's in the evening once we got settled in the campground and got some dinner.
Arrived at Wendy and Larry's around 7:00 p.m. He was still at Bible Study so we waited about a half an hour till he and Hana got home. Our little granddaughter is just the cutest little girl on the planet!!!!!!! We haven't seen them since last July. It is unreal how much this little girl changed in a year. Of course she was shy at first, but then she let Grandma pick her up. Before you knew it, she let Grandpa pick her up too. Daddy told her it was time to get ready for bed and when it was time to go to bed she came in the living room and grabbed my finger and led me to her room. She wanted Grandma to tuck her in her bed. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! This little girl has completely stole my heart!!!!!!!!
We unloaded all of the stuff that we brought for Larry and Wendy from our car and then visited with Larry for a couple of hours. Mike and I are exhausted so we decided to say goodnight and head back to the campground. We will be heading back to Silverdale to the Godin residence in the morning.
So glad that we are here. Love these kids of ours!!!!!!!!
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